Your Opinion Matters!
Thank You For Your Help In Creating This Insider Training


     I’m very close to finishing up my long-awaited "Passive Crypto Income Blueprint" video-training series.  

     I have been working on this for the last 6 months and am finally about ready to wrap it up

     I’m hoping to release it within the next few weeks.  

     The training will focus on the almost SECRET world of “Crypto Staking” and “Yield Farming”

     It will include 5 to 6 modules of click-by-click video training revealing how a small percentage – only 0.5% of the worldare using this insider technique to create their very own passive crypto income-on-demand robots.  


     The word robots might sound too high-tech for you but don't be fooled.  The training reveals how EASY they are to set up. All it takes are a few mouse clicks.       

     It’s crazy cool if you haven’t heard of it.  

     The training will cover exactly what this opportunity is… why it existswhy NOW is the time to get involved and HOW you can do it safely and reliably.  

     However, I need your help!  Before I finalize the training videos and release them to the world, I need to make sure I’m covering everything.  

     This is where you come in!

     Please take a few minutes to answer the super-short survey below – there’s really only 2 questions I want to ask.  

     I understand they are short but please take as long as you want answering them.  I really want to get this training right and your opinion is super important.  

     Thank you so much for being a part of this training creation.


Mikk Sachar

By comleting this survey, you will ALSO get "Priority Notice" when this training is complete and ready to be released. 
Make sure to share your primary email (the one you check often) so you don't miss out on the release date. 

Thank you again for taking this time.  Your help in this creation process is really appreciated. 

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